How to Move Document to Transaction Folder

This video will show you how to move a document uploaded to a transaction file into a Folder inside the transaction.

First, go to Menu > Transactions. To use the filters to find your Transaction File go to the upper right corner and click on the inverted pyramid under your name. Then select the option you need, and RealtyBackOffice will display the Transaction that matches your search. Then click on the Transaction Address to open the file.

Once inside the transaction file, go to the middle panel and the documents tab. 

If you already created a Folder, you will see it in this tab.

To move a document inside a folder, hover over the Transaction Document, go to the three dots, and select Edit Document. 

On the display window, go to the Folder field, and select where you want to move it. 

Note that in this section, you can also change the Name and Description of the Transaction Document. After making the changes, click Save.

To remove the Transaction Document from the Transaction Folder, hover over the Transaction Document, go to the three dots, and select edit document. Under the Folder Field, select Unassigned to remove the Transaction Document from the folder and send it back under the Documents tab.

If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at (305) 517-3836.
