Reminders for Transaction Contract Critical Due Dates

This video will show you the Reminders feature in RealtyBackOffice. This feature will remind you of the critical due dates in a transaction.

First, go to Menu > Transactions. To use the filters to find your Transaction File go to the upper right corner and click on the inverted pyramid under your name. Then select the option you need, and RealtyBackOffice will display the Transaction that matches your search. Then click on the Transaction Address to open the file.

Once inside a transaction file, on the left and middle panels next to the critical due dates are the notification bells. 

To add a Reminder Notification click the bell icon next to the critical date. Then, click on +Add reminder and type in the number of days before the date you want to receive the notification. You can also add a note and a link to the description box. After adding all the information, click Save to save the changes and activate the notification.

RealtyBackOffice will send you an email notification on the selected day.

The email will provide the type of the date, Property Address, and due date. It will also have a button that will take you directly to the transaction inside RealtyBackOffice. 

If you have any questions, please email us at or call us at (305) 517-3836.
